Appointment Schedule

Thursday to Sunday

10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and 4:00-8:00 p.m.


Check here for available dates for upcoming retreats.

Yaxal Protocol
comprehensive approach to epigenetic health.

It is a set of multimodal regenerative interventions, based on the most relevant scientific findings and their clinical applications in the field of epigenetic health, which impact feeling, doing, thinking and living to change to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Through two-week and half-week immersive retreats in which:

  1. Epigenetic nutrition: donors of methyl, folates, polyphenols, antioxidants and other vital substances
  2. Purification of the excretory organs
  3. Detoxification of parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses
  4. Oral chelation of heavy metals and toxic industrial chemicals
  5. Overcoming self-deceptions that prevent you from changing to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle
  6. Enhance biomarkers to slow down the rate of aging to prevent and reverse chronic-degenerative diseases
  7. Correction of postural, movement and respiratory imbalances
  8. Optimization and enhancement of cognitive and brain reserve combined with the management of chronic stress, deep rest and restorative sleep
  9. Practices for cultivating gratitude, forgiveness, compassion and joy


If I change… everything changes.

You already know!

and longevity

Slow down the pace of the characteristic biomarkers of aging and prevent the early development of chronic-degenerative diseases.

Regenerative interventions and cellular reprogramming

Practical acquisition of meta-skills, overcoming resistance to change and promoting a self-transformative lifestyle to develop a fulfilling life.

Nutrigenomics, neuromotor skills and epigenetics

Diet can influence gene expression through epigenetic modifications to promote organic homeostasis and well-being.

The Yaxál Protocol favorably impacts the biochemical, biomechanical and biopsychosocioemotional dimensions, so that, once and for all, you recover and enhance your homeostasis and resilience in order to awaken your self-healing capabilities, improve your general well-being, slow down the rhythms of aging and preventing chronic-degenerative diseases.

About the Epigenetic Health Institute.


Stress management

Selección de técnicas y prácticas que podrás aplicar en tu día a día para reducir los efectos negativos del estrés crónico en el cuerpo y la mente.

Obesity and weight loss

La obesidad y el sobrepeso se asocian con el envejecimiento prematuro debido a diversos factores fisiológicos, bioquímicos y psicológicos.



We invite you to explore our article section and blog on epigenetic health!


Available dates for 2024:
February, March, April, May, June, July, August and September.

¡Te esperamos!


8 pm Tijuana / Los Angeles